KamiLimu Fellows

Since 2018, 5 alumni who demonstrated outstanding achievement in the scholarship track joined the management committee as leaders and contributed impactful models to our work. Here are their milestones.

Mwaniki Nyaga as KamiLimu Fellow in an ivory shirt in front of an auburn and white background

Mwaniki Nyaga (2018).

Mwaniki pioneered our audiovisual content production, setting the standards for best practice in our creative approaches. He directed and produced seven short feature films, co-curated 18 articles, ideated the Humans of KamiLimu series, designed and managed social media pages, and co-authored one research paper—all to impactfully showcase our work. He also trained our beneficiaries on storytelling and human-centered design approaches.

See Mwaniki’s full profile here.

Brenda Nyaringita as KamiLimu Fellow in a maroon dress in front of an auburn and white background

Brenda Nyaringita (2019).

Brenda developed the foundations of how we taught the innovation track, co-creating sound pedagogical models for human-centered design. She curated teaching content and delivered lessons on innovation across three cohorts, taking the lead in supporting over 30 innovation teams as they solved some of society’s most pressing socioeconomic issues - all to bolster user-centered tech solutions. She also trained our beneficiaries on CV writing and scholarship applications.

See Brenda’s full profile here.

Muema Edwin as KamiLimu Fellow in a black shirt in front of a black background

Muema Edwin (2020).

Muema developed a new model for teaching the ICT track, co-creating sound pedagogical models for industry-relevant ICT skills. He curated practical teaching and mentorship guidelines for Cybersecurity, Data Science, Web Development, and Cloud Engineering, taking the lead in supporting four ICT lead mentors and 33 beneficiaries in effectively learning technical skills—all to ensure effective upskilling in intermediate and advanced tech compentencies. He also trained our beneficiaries on CV writing.

See Muema’s full profile here.

Beryl Kanali as KamiLimu Fellow in an olive coat in front of an auburn and white background

Beryl Kanali (2022).

Beryl became the first Fellow to lead two dockets - ICT and Innovation, seamlessly co-designing how tech skills can be used to build impactful innovations. She has led more than 14 innovation teams through ideation, pitching, and solution design and taught communication of science to over 30 beneficiaries —all to achieve holistic upskilling of early-career tech professionals. She also trained our beneficiaries on open-source development.

See Beryl’s full profile here.

Colette Wamuchie as KamiLimu Fellow in a maroon dress next to green leaves in front of an auburn and white background

Colette Wamuchie (2023).

Colette deepened personalized support towards our beneficiaries, setting a benchmark for one-to-one mentorship. She held the hands of over 25 mentees, supporting their personal and professional development, and co-delivering a learner welfare program —all to ensure that our beneficiaries received utmost gain from their mentorship journey. She also trained our beneficiaries on public speaking and scholarship skills.

See Colette’s full profile here.